The food pantry is here for you!

Open Hours:
Tuesdays 11am - 3pm
Wednesdays 3pm - 6pm
Thursdays 11am - 3pm
Sundays 4pm - 7pm

If the above times don’t work for you, please email umwesley@siu.ed to schedule your visit.

To use the food pantry you must be an SIUC or John A Logan student. You will need to bring your Dawg Tag or John A Logan class schedule with you to use the food pantry. You will receive 2 bags of pantry items (some food, some cleaning supplies depending on what we have available at the time).

You can come around every 27 days. This ensures all who come will receive the same amount based on the donations Wesley receives.

If you would like to volunteer for the pantry, or have any questions, please contact Tasha at

Donations are always welcome.